Trust Your Gut

A client once helped me truly understand the value of trusting your gut.  At the end of his intake session he said, “No disrespect, but I don’t know you, I don’t trust you, and I really don’t believe in some of what you’re saying to me....

Is Our Past Ever Our Past?

It is a false premise that our past is our past. We cannot avoid, run from, or turn a blind eye to unresolved past issues. What I’m clear about is that unless our issues are dealt with and worked through, our past is our present and will be our future.

What If We Believed in Ourselves?

We are gifted beyond measure. However, we cannot truly hold the possibilities of our gifts and power, because we are consumed with messages of doubt, self-loathing, and fear. We are holding on to the limits others have placed on us, and have begun identifying them as...