Today will be a Good Day

Regardless of what is said to me, asked of me, requested from me today is going to be a good. There are no other options. I’m creating space and making room for my own peace, wellness, and happiness today.

Good Enough

You are not smart enough! You are too big! You are too aggressive! The way you lead is ineffective! You are too intense! These are messages I have internalized and constantly battling against, and most days I am winning the battle. However, could you imagine a world...

The Beauty of Humanity in Relationships

I was recently talking with a client about the beauty of humanity in relationships. The beauty of humanity in relationships isn’t the perfection in our partner, but the beauty in their ability to learn and grow. We all have “stuff”, so the beauty is...

Trust Your Gut

A client once helped me truly understand the value of trusting your gut.  At the end of his intake session he said, “No disrespect, but I don’t know you, I don’t trust you, and I really don’t believe in some of what you’re saying to me....